Click on the appropriate link to see samples in a PDF format.
OCIA How Are We Doing? a Self-Assessment Tool
Catechumenate Session Sample Pages
Catechumenate Session Features with Call Outs
Inquiry Session Sample Pages
When you place your order you will receive a password by return e-mail that will allow you to download any or all of the resources available on the site for a period of one year from the date of your order. Please contact Customer Service at 1-877-275-4725 to place your order.
How the Website Works
New materials will be uploaded on an ongoing basis. Each new set of resources will always be available for download to passworded customers at least three months ahead of the time you would begin using them. All Catechumenate sessions are Lectionary-based and dated to the appropriate Sunday of the Church year. Other sets of resources include specialized downloads for the periods of Purification and Enlightenment and Mystagogy.